SetDisplayRotateSave (bool DisplayRotateSave)


Function:             Sets the mode allowing signature rotation and the save of the signature

                                in rotated format after capture. The rotation value is set by



Arguments:         Bool:


                               DisplayRotateSave        If TRUE, DisplayRotateSave mode is active.

                                                                         If FALSE, DisplayRotateSave mode is inactive.


Return Value:     Void.


Remarks:             Note: This is the preferred way of setting TabletMode = add 768. Can be

                                used to rotate and then save in rotated format, signatures after capture,

                                if the signature was accidentally taken in a rotation orientation during

                                signature capture. Normally, to change the tablet orientation during

                                capture, the TabletRotation property is used.











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     Topaz Systems, Inc., 650 Cochran Street, Unit 6, Simi Valley, CA, USA, 93065

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