LCDRefresh (int Mode, int XPos, int YPos,

                      int XSize, YSize)


Function:             The tablet is sent a refresh command with 4 possible modes:


                                Mode 0 - Clear:                     The display is cleared at the specific



                                Mode 1 - Complement:        The display is complemented at the

                                                                                specific location.


                                Mode 2 - WriteOpaque:        The contents of the background memory

                                                                                 in the tablet are transferred to the LCD

                                                                                 display, overwriting the current contents

                                                                                 of the LCD display.


                                Mode 3 - WriteTransparent: The contents of the background memory

                                                                                 in the tablet are transferred to and

                                                                                 combined with the visible LCD memory.


Arguments:         Integers:


                               Mode           0, 1, 2, 3 as defined above.

                               XPos           Location in LCD coordinates (upper left - 0,0).

                               YPos            Location in LCD coordinates (upper left - 0,0).

                               XSize          XSize in LCD pixels.

                               YSize           YSize in LCD pixels.


Return Value:     Bool             TRUE if a checksum is received and verified.

                                                     FALSE if no or an incorrect checksum is received from

                                                     the tablet.


Remarks:             NOTE: This function can only occur on horizontal 8 LCD-pixel

                                              boundaries on the LCD tablet unit.











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     Topaz Systems, Inc., 650 Cochran Street, Unit 6, Simi Valley, CA, USA, 93065

              Phone: 805 520-8282  Fax: 805 520-0867