LCDWriteBitmap (int Dest, int Mode, int XPos,

                             int YPos, int XSize, int YSize,

                             OLE_HANDLE BitmapHandle)


Function:            Used to write windows bitmap data to the LCD display. The data is

                               written at the location specified by the combination of Dest, XPos, and

                               YPos. The Mode determines how the data is written.


                               Mode 0 - Clear:                     The display is cleared at the specific



                               Mode 1 - Complement:        The display is complemented at the

                                                                               specific location.


                               Mode 2 - WriteOpaque:        The contents of the background memory

                                                                                in the tablet are transferred to the LCD

                                                                                display, overwriting the current contents

                                                                                of the LCD display.


                               Mode 3 - WriteTransparent: The contents of the background memory

                                                                                in the tablet are transferred to and

                                                                                combined with the visible LCD memory.


Arguments:         Integers:


                               Dest                          0 = Foreground.

                                                                 1 = Background memory in tablet.

                               Mode                        0, 1, 2, 3 as defined above.

                               XPos                         Location in LCD coordinates to draw at.

                               YPos                         Location in LCD coordinates to draw at.

                               XSize                        Width in LCD pixels.

                               YSize                        Height in LCD pixels.




                               BitmapHandle          Windows handle (HBITMAP) to a bitmap to be

                                                                  displayed. See Object.Handle property in VB Docs.


Return Value:     Bool                          TRUE if a checksum is received and verified.

                                                                  FALSE if no or an incorrect checksum is received

                                                                  from the tablet.











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     Topaz Systems, Inc., 650 Cochran Street, Unit 6, Simi Valley, CA, USA, 93065

              Phone: 805 520-8282  Fax: 805 520-0867